Top 15 – Oldest Presidential Children
There are currently (as of February 2020) 31 Presidential children alive. Nearly a quarter, or eleven of the 45 Presidents, still have children alive today. We are going to list the top 15 oldest of those children. We will also learn some interesting facts about each one.

Lyndon Johnson, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, and George HW Bush
1. Lynda Bird Johnson Robb
Age: 75 years old
Birthday: March 19, 1944
Birthplace: Washington DC
Presidential Father: Lyndon Johnson
Mother: Lady Bird Johnson
Birth rank: Eldest of two daughters
Interesting fact: Because of the Kennedy assassination, while she was dating actor George Hamilton, she became one of the first people to get Secret Service protection.
2. Michael Reagan
Age: 74 years old
Birthday: March 18, 1945
Birthplace: Los Angeles, California
Presidential Father: Ronald Reagan
Mother: Jane Wyman
Birth parents: He was born John Charles Flaugher. His birth mom was Irene Flaugher and his real dad was John Bourgholtzer.
Birth rank: Adoptive son of Ronald Reagan and his first wife Jane Wyman. His adoptive sister, Maureen Elizabeth Reagan (born: January 4, 1941, died: August 8, 2001) would have been the oldest of Ronald Reagans children. Michael would then fall in second in that line.
Interesting fact: In 1965, the FBI warned Ronald Reagan that his adoptive son, Michael, was associating with crime boss Joseph Bonanno. This could have been a huge blow to his political career. Ronald Reagan thanked them and told them he would discreetly ask his son to “discontinue that association.”
3. Trica Nixon Cox
Age: 74 years old
Birthday: February 21, 1946
Birthplace: Whittier, California
Presidential Father: Richard Nixon
Mother: Pat Nixon
Birth rank: Eldest of two daughters
Interesting fact: She married her husband, Edward Cox, while her father was President. They were married in the White House Rose Garden (June 12, 1971).
4. President George Walker Bush
Age: 73 years old
Birthday: July 6, 1946
Birthplace: New Haven, Connecticut
Presidential Father: George Herbert Walker Bush
Mother: Barbara Bush
Birth rank: Eldest of six children
Interesting facts: Only President on the list. Both he, and his younger sister, Doro Bush Koch, have written a book about their dad.
5. Luci Baines Johnson
Age: 72 years old
Birthday: July 2, 1947
Birthplace: Washington DC
Presidential Father: Lyndon Johnson
Mother: Lady Bird Johnson
Birth rank: Youngest of two daughters
Interesting fact: Luci married Pat Nugent, but divorced. They had 4 kids. The marriage was annulled by the Catholic Church in 1979.

Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon, and Gerald Ford
6. John “Jack” William Carter
Age: 72 years old
Birthday: July 3, 1947
Birthplace: Portsmouth, Virginia
Presidential Father: Jimmy Carter
Mother: Rosalynn Carter
Birth rank: Eldest of four children
Interesting fact: He got a “less than honorable” general discharge from the Navy. Jack and 53 classmates got caught smoking marijuana at the Navel Nuclear Power School, in Idaho Falls, Idaho.
7. Julie Nixon Eisenhower
Age: 71 years old
Birthday: July 5, 1948
Birthplace: Washington DC
Presidential Father: Richard Nixon
Mother: Pat Nixon
Birth rank: Youngest of two daughters
Interesting fact: She was named four times to Good Housekeeping magazine’s “Ten Most Admired Women in America” in the 1970s.
8. Michael Gerald Ford
Age: 69 years old
Birthday: March 14, 1950
Birthplace: Washington DC
Presidential Father: Gerald Ford (formerly Leslie Lynch King, Jr.)
Mother: Betty Ford
Birth rank: Eldest of four children
Interesting fact: His father, President Gerald Ford, disliked being called Junior, when he was young. Gerald and Betty threw Michael in front of his son’s name so he wouldn’t have to experience that.
9. James “Chip” Earl Carter III
Age: 69 years old
Birthday: April 12, 1950
Birthplace: Honolulu, Hawaii
Presidential Father: Jimmy Carter
Mother: Rosalynn Carter
Birth rank: Second of four children
Interesting fact: After his Dad left the White House, Chip formed Carter/Smith and Associates. This partnership ran or consulted with 75 political campaigns in the U.S.
10. John Gardner Ford
Age: 67 years old
Birthday: March 16, 1952
Birthplace: Washington DC
Presidential Father: Gerald Ford (formerly Leslie Lynch King, Jr.)
Mother: Betty Ford
Birth rank: Second of four children
Interesting fact: He attended Utah State University, studying Forestry.

Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, and Gerald Ford
11. Donnel Jeffery “Jeff” Carter
Age: 67 years old
Birthday: August 18, 1952
Birthplace: New London, Connecticut
Presidential Father: Jimmy Carter
Mother: Rosalynn Carter
Birth rank: Third of four children
Interesting fact: He was a cofounder of Computer Mapping Consultants, a computer-mapping company that became a consultancy for the World Bank in 1978.
12. Patricia “Patti Davis” Ann Reagan
Age: 67 years old
Birthday: October 21, 1952
Birthplace: Los Angeles, California
Presidential Father: Ronald Reagan
Mother: Nancy Davis Reagan
Birth rank: First child of Nancy Reagan, Ronald Reagan’s third child
Interesting fact: Her original screenplay, Spring Thaw, became the 2007 Hallmark Channel movie Sacrifices of the Heart starring Melissa Gilbert and Ken Howard.
13. John Ellis “Jeb” Bush
Age: 66 years old
Birthday: February 11, 1953
Birthplace: Midland, Texas
Presidential Father: George Herbert Walker Bush
Mother: Barbara Bush
Birth rank: Third of six children
Interesting fact: The nickname “Jeb” is composed of his initials J.E.B. (John Ellis Bush).
14. Neil Mallon Pierce Bush
Age: 65 years old
Birthday: January 22, 1955
Birthplace: Midland, Texas
Presidential Father: George Herbert Walker Bush
Mother: Barbara Bush
Birth rank: Fourth of six children
Interesting fact: He was diagnosed as having dyslexia. In 1977, Bush earned a degree in Economics from Tulane University. In 1979, Bush earned an MBA.
15. Steven Meigs Ford
Age: 63 years old
Birthday: May 19, 1956
Birthplace: East Grand Rapids, Michigan
Presidential Father: Gerald Ford (formerly Leslie Lynch King, Jr.)
Mother: Betty Ford
Birth rank: Third of four children
Interesting fact: Steven was cast in the film Grease (1978) as Tom Chisum, but dropped out before filming began and was replaced by Lorenzo Lamas, citing stage fright.
Other Interesting Oldest Living Presidential Children Facts
1. John Sheldon Doud Eisenhower (born: August 3, 1922, died: December 21, 2013) was the last Presidential child to exit this list.
2. Ironically, Julie Nixon Eisenhower (number seven on our list) was John Eisenhower’s daughter-in-law.
3. Five of the 15 oldest living Presidential kids were born in Washington DC: Lynda Bird Johnson Robb, Luci Baines Johnson, Julie Nixon Eisenhower, Michael Gerald Ford, and John Gardner Ford.
4. Despite the fact that women, generally, outlive men, ten of the top 15 Presidential children on our list are men.