William Henry Harrison - Old Card

William Henry Harrison

  • Ninth President (1841)
  • Birthday: February 9, 1773 (Tuesday)
  • Birthplace: Charles City County, Virginia
  • Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
  • Date of Death: April 4, 1841 (Sunday)
  • Place of Death: Washington DC
  • Place of Burial: North Bend, Ohio
  • Cause of Death: Enteric Fever
  • Age: 68 years old
  • Length of Retirement: 0 days (died in office)
  • Religion: Episcopal
  • Party: Whig

William Henry Harrison Offices Held

  • US Minister to Columbia (1828-1829)
  • US Senator from Ohio (1825-1828)
  • US House of Representatives from Ohio (1816-1819)
  • Governor of Indiana Territory (1798-1799)
  • US House of Representatives from Northwest Territory (1799)
  • Secretary of the Northwest Territory (1798-1799)

William Henry Harrison Nicknames

  • Tippecanoe
  • Old Tippecanoe
  • Washington of the West
  • Granny Harrison
  • petticoat general
  • General Mum

William Henry Harrison Pets

  • Cow (one was named Sukey)
  • Goat

William Henry Harrison Personal Traits

  • Height: 5 feet – 8 inches


William Henry Harrison Quotes

The only legitimate right to govern is an express grant of power from the governed.

I contend that the strongest of all governments is that which is most free.

To Englishmen, life is a topic, not an activity.

The people are the best guardians of their own rights and it is the duty of their executive to abstain from interfering in or thwarting the sacred exercise of the lawmaking functions of their government.

The prudent capitalist will never adventure his capital…if there exists a state of uncertainty as to whether the Government will repeal tomorrow what it has enacted today.

I believe that all the measures of the Government are directed to the purpose of making the rich richer and the poor poorer.

The chains of military despotism, once fastened upon a nation, ages might pass away before they could be shaken off.

There is nothing more corrupting, nothing more destructive of the noblest and finest feeling of our nature, than the exercise of unlimited power.

The American backwoodsman – clad in his hunting shirt, the product of his domestic industry, and fighting for the country he loves, he is more than a match for the vile but splendid mercenary of a European despot.


William Henry Harrison Timeline – Family

  • April 5, 1726 Benjamin Harrison V (Father) born in Charles City County, Virginia.
  • December 13, 1730 Elizabeth Bassett Harrison (Mother) born in New Kent County, Virginia.
  • 1748 Benjamin Harrison V (Father) marries Elizabeth Bassett (Mother).
  • 1751 Elizabeth Harrison Rickman Edmondson (Sister) born in Cumberland County, Virginia.
  • May 21, 1753 Anne Harrison (Sister) born in Charles City County, Virginia.
  • 1755 Benjamin Harrison VI (Brother) born in Charles City County, Virginia.
  • 1756 Carter Bassett Harrison (Brother) born in Charles City County, Virginia.
  • 1760 Lucy Harrison Randolph Singleton (Sister) born.
  • 1771 Sarah Harrison Minge (Sister) born.
  • February 9, 1773 William Henry Harrison born in Charles City County, Virginia.
  • March 9, 1775 Anne Harrison (Sister) dies.
  • July 25, 1775 Anna Tuthill Symmes Harrison (Wife) born in Morristown, Province of New Jersey.
  • April 24, 1791 Benjamin Harrison V (Father) dies in Charles City County, Virginia.
  • 1792 Elizabeth Bassett Harrison (Mother) dies Charles City County, Virginia.
  • November 22, 1795 William Henry Harrison marries Anna Tuthill Symmes (Wife) at Dr. Stephen Wood’s home in North Bend, Ohio.
  • September 29, 1796 Elizabeth “Betsy” Bassett Harrison (Daughter) born.
  • October 28, 1798 John Cleves Symmes Harrison (Son) born.
  • 1799 Benjamin Harrison VI (Brother) dies.
  • September 5, 1800 Lucy Singleton Harrison Este (Daughter) born in Richmond, Virginia.
  • September 3, 1802 William Henry Harrison, Jr. (Son) born.
  • October 4, 1804 John Scott Harrison (Son) born in Vincennes, Indiana.
  • May 5, 1806 Benjamin Harrison (Son) born.
  • April 18, 1808 Carter Bassett Harrison (Brother) dies.
  • 1809 Lucy Harrison Randolph Singleton (Sister) dies.
  • January 28, 1809 Mary Symmes Harrison (Daughter) born.
  • October 26, 1811 Carter Bassett Harrison (Son) born in Vincennes, Indiana.
  • February 27, 1812 Sarah Harrison Minge (Sister) dies.
  • October 28, 1813 Anna Tuthill Harrison Taylor (Daughter) born.
  • 1814 James Findlay Harrison (Son) born.
  • 1817 James Findlay Harrison (Son) dies.
  • April 7, 1826 Lucy Singleton Harrison Este (Daughter) dies in Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • 1830 Elizabeth Harrison Rickman Edmondson (Sister) dies in Grandview, Illinois.
  • October 30, 1830 John Cleves Symmes Harrison (Son) dies.
  • February 6, 1838 William Henry Harrison, Jr. (Son) dies.
  • August 12, 1839 Carter Bassett Harrison (Son) dies in Ohio.
  • June 9, 1840 Benjamin Harrison (Son) dies.
  • April 4, 1841 William Henry Harrison dies in Washington DC.
  • November 16, 1842 Mary Symmes Harrison (Daughter) dies.
  • July 5, 1845 Anna Tuthill Harrison Taylor (Daughter) dies.
  • September 26, 1846 Elizabeth “Betsy” Bassett Harrison (Daughter) dies.
  • February 25, 1864 Anna Tuthill Symmes (Wife) dies in North Bend Ohio.
  • May 25, 1878 John Scott Harrison (Son) dies.


William Henry Harrison Links

William Henry Harrison’s Birthplace
William Henry Harrison’s Home
William Henry Harrison’s Farm
William Henry Harrison’s Grave
William Henry Harrison on Wikipedia


William Henry Harrison Blogs

USPS Presidential Stamps Puzzle Top Ten Least Popular Presidents - My Top Ten Least Popular Presidents list. Why are these ten individuals virtually unknown to the average citizens? After all, they were Presidents.
Arlington National Cemetery John Scott Harrison – William Henry Harrison’s Son – Benjamin Harrison’s Father - "And all the days of Lamech were seven hundred seventy and seven years: and he died.” Genesis 5:31 KJV Imagine the shock on John’s face when he saw the dead man’s face was none other than that of his own father. The Bible doesn’t say a lot about Lamech. Those were the good old days before safety people ruined the fun for all us kids.
Berkeley Plantation Ticket - William Henry Harrison's Birthplace Fun Presidential Facts – William Henry Harrison - Here are some fun facts and personal opinions about President William Henry Harrison
Angel of Mayre's Heights statue - Fredericksburg, Virginia William Henry Harrison – His Wife and Father-in-Law - "Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.” Isaiah 6:8 KJV On the fourth of July in 1872, John would have to skip the 4th of July celebrations in Plymouth Notch. You see, John’s son would be born on that day. It’s called a sukkah and it is used to celebrate the Festival of Sukkot. She then said, with the biggest smile on her face, “You know I don’t like surprises.”
Jefferson Memorial at Sunrise with Cherry Blossoms -Washington DC Mar 2016 List: What similiar trait do I have with the first ten Presidents - Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, JQ Adams, Jackson, Van Buren, WH Harrison, and John Tyler. Those are the first ten Presidents. A list of how I think I am like them.
Berkeley Plantation Pamphlet - William Henry Harrison's Birthplace William Henry Harrison – His Birthplace Berkeley Plantation - “And the whole city was filled with confusion: and having caught Gaius and Aristarchus, men of Macedonia, Paul's companions in travel, they rushed with one accord into the theatre.” Acts 19:29 KJV One of my most favorite people is someone who is also one of the most popular people I know. Oh, did I mention that what Demetrius’ best-selling item happened to be? Berkeley Plantation was purchased by a family that liked to name their first sons Benjamin, in 1691.
Berkeley Plantation - William Henry Harrison's Birthplace - Charles City, Virginia William Henry Harrison – The Election of 1840 - “The words of wise men are heard in quiet more than the cry of him that ruleth among fools.” Ecclesiastes 9:17 KJV “Do you remember when…?” Surprisingly, strength sometimes comes from the most unlikely of sources.
Tecumseh (Indian) - Clipart William Henry Harrison – The Curse of Tecumseh - “And they set the ark of God upon a new cart, and brought it out of the house of Abinadab that was in Gibeah: and Uzzah and Ahio, the sons of Abinadab, drave the new cart.” 2 Samuel 6:3 KJV It’s probably not politically correct to even talk about Indians this way today, but it kept us busy for hours. Tecumseh was a Shawnee Indian warrior. Tenskwatawa, the Prophet, was his younger brother. How it really happens or if it really happened at all is often suspect.
William Henry Harrison
Presidential quotes, presidential timeline, presidential links, presidential blogs, presidential pets, presidential nicknames, presidential offices held, presidential facts, presidential devotions, presidential personal traits

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