Portrait of James K Polk after he left the Presidency - Polk's Home, Columbia, Tennessee

James K. Polk

  • Eleventh President (1845-1849)
  • Birthday: November 2, 1795 (Monday)
  • Birthplace: Pineville, North Carolina
  • Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
  • Date of Death: June 15, 1849 (Friday)
  • Place of Death: Nashville, Tennessee
  • Place of Burial: Tennessee State Capitol, Nashville, Tennessee
  • Cause of Death: Cholera
  • Age: 53 years old
  • Length of Retirement: 103 days
  • Religion: Presbyterian
  • Party: Democrat

James K. Polk Offices Held

  • Governor of Tennessee (1839-1841)
  • Speaker of the US House of Representatives (1835-1839)
  • US House of Representatives from Tennessee (1825-1839)

James K. Polk Nicknames

  • Young Hickory
  • Napoleon of the Stump

James K. Polk Pets

  • Horse

James K. Polk Personal Traits

  • Height: 5 feet – 8 inches


James K. Polk Quotes

One of the great object of the Constitution was to restrain majorities from oppressing minorities or encroaching upon their just rights.

With me it is exceptionally true that the Presidency is no bed of roses.

Minorities have a right to appeal to the Constitution as a shield against such oppression.

It becomes us in humility to make our devout acknowledgments to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe for the inestimable civil and religious blessings with which we are favored.

Foreign powers do not seem to appreciate the true character of our government.

I will soon cease to be a servant and will become a sovereign.

Thank God, under our Constitution there was no connection between church and state.

There is more selfishness and less principles among members of Congress than I had any conception of, before I became President of the US.

I am heartily rejoiced that my term is so near its close. I will soon cease to be a servant and will become a sovereign.

No president who performs his duties faithfully and conscientiously can have any leisure.

I prefer to supervise the whole operations of Government myself rather than entrust the public business to subordinates and this makes my duties very great.

Peace, plenty, and contentment reign throughout our borders, and our beloved country presents a sublime moral spectacle to the world.

Although…the Chief Magistrate must almost of necessity be chosen by a party and stand pledged to its principles and measures, yet in his official action he should not be the President of a party only, but of the whole people of the United States.


James K. Polk Timeline – Family

  • July 5, 1772 Samuel Polk (Father) born in Tyron, North Carolina.
  • November 13, 1776 Jane Gracy Knox (Mother) born in Iredall County, North Carolina.
  • December 25, 1794 Samuel Polk (Father) and Jane Gracy Knox (Mother) marry in Mecklenburg, North Carolina at Hopewell Church.
  • November 2, 1795 James Knox Polk born in Pineville, North Carolina.
  • January 14, 1798 Jane Maria Polk Walker (Sister) born in Charlotte, North Carolina.
  • February 17, 1800 Lydia Eliza Polk Caldwell (Sister) born in Mecklenburg, North Carolina.
  • August 23, 1802 Franklin Ezekiel Polk (Brother) born in Charlotte, North Carolina.
  • September 4, 1803 Sarah Childress (Wife) born in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
  • January 17, 1805 Marshall Tate Polk (Brother) born in Pineville, North Carolina.
  • March 23, 1807 John Lee Polk (Brother) born in Columbia, Tennessee.
  • July 2, 1809 Naomi Tate Polk Harris (Sister) born in Columbia, Tennessee.
  • September 6, 1812 Ophelia Clarissa Polk Hays (Sister) born in Maury County, Tennessee.
  • May 24, 1815 William Hawkins Polk (Brother) born in Maury County, Tennessee.
  • October 17, 1817Samuel Wilson Polk (Brother) born in Maury County, Tennessee.
  • January 1, 1824 James K. Polk and Sarah Childress marry in Murfreesboro, Tennessee at her parent’s plantation.
  • November 5, 1827 Samuel Polk (Father) dies in Columbia, Tennessee.
  • January 21, 1831 Franklin Ezekiel Polk (Brother) dies in Columbia, Tennessee.
  • April 12, 1831 Marshall Tate Polk (Brother) dies in Charlotte, North Carolina.
  • September 28, 1831 John Lee Polk (Brother) dies in Maury County, Tennessee.
  • August 6, 1836 Naomi Tate Polk Harris (Sister) dies in Memphis, Tennessee.
  • February 24, 1839 Samuel Wilson Polk (Brother) dies in Columbia, Tennessee.
  • June 15, 1849 James K. Polk dies in Nashville, Tennessee.
  • April 18, 1851 Ophelia Clarissa Polk Hays (Sister) dies in Columbia, Tennessee.
  • January 11, 1852 Jane Gracy Knox Polk (Mother) dies in Columbia, Tennessee.
  • December 16, 1862 William Hawkins Polk (brother) dies in Nashville, Tennessee.
  • May 29, 1864 Lydia Eliza Polk Caldwell (Sister) dies in Haywood, Tennessee.
  • October 11, 1876 Jane Maria Polk Walker (Sister) dies in Columbia, Tennessee.
  • August 14, 1891 Sarah Childress Polk (Wife) dies in Nashville, Tennessee.


James K. Polk Links

James K. Polk’s Birthplace
James K. Polk’s Home
James K. Polk’s Graves
James K. Polk on Wikipedia


James K. Polk Blogs

Outer Banks Sunrise The Best and Worst Presidential Retirements - My retirement has arrived, and I wanted to check out how some of the presidents and Bible characters handled theirs.
James K. Polk Tomb postcard (Zibart Brothers) James K. Polk – Election of 1844 - Overworking, like this President, can cause one to be so consumed with their life. This can cause one to lose focus as to what they are really supposed to be doing. Illnesses can often refocus that problem, though.
USPS Presidential Stamps Puzzle Top Ten Least Popular Presidents - My Top Ten Least Popular Presidents list. Why are these ten individuals virtually unknown to the average citizens? After all, they were Presidents.
James K. Polk Birthplace T-shirt Fun Presidential Facts – James K Polk - Here are some fun facts and personal opinions about President James K. Polk
The Tennessee Presidents Cover James K Polk – How he got his Young Hickory nickname - "And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.” Mark 11:22 KJV Life is a journey of many steps and it would be kind of boring if each step was the same as the next or if you didn’t verve off for an adventure every once in a while. The young lad for Columbia was one of those lucky lads. If there were rankings of prophets at that time, you might say, his ranking was slipping and slipping badly.
Looking at Fort Sumter (in background) sitting on beach near driftwood List: What similiar trait do I have with Presidents Polk through Hayes - James K. Polk, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Ulysses S Grant, and Rutherford B. Hayes. These are Presidents eleven through nineteen. Here is a list of how I think I am like them.
James K. Polk Picture (when he left office) - Columbia, Tennessee James K Polk – His Death - “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.” Genesis 2:2 KJV It literary took me thirty minutes before my breathing returned to normal. It’s strange how the best moments of reflection are almost always when you are trying to recharge.
Pacific Ocean at Cabrillo National Park - California James K Polk – Claiming California - “Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God….” Ephesians 2:19 KJV It is an issue that plagues a nation. It is immigration. One of the biggest problems with a large immigrant population is that eventually they start thinking that this is their country, too.
James K Polk – 4 Goals - I'm thinking of a number...Exodus 20:3 KJV Americans have a love affair with numbers and list. Here is my Top Ten Things I Learned by Reading the Bible All the Way Through...
James K. Polk
Presidential quotes, presidential timeline, presidential links, presidential blogs, presidential pets, presidential nicknames, presidential offices held, presidential facts, presidential devotions, presidential personal traits

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