- Twenty-second President (1885-1889)
- Twenty-fourth President (1893-1897)
- Birthday: March 18, 1837 (Saturday)
- Birthplace: Caldwell, New Jersey
- Zodiac Sign: Pisces
- Date of Death: June 24, 1908 (Wednesday)
- Place of Death: Princeton, New Jersey
- Place of Burial: Princeton Cemetery, Princeton, New Jersey
- Cause of Death: Coronary Sclerosis (others)
- Age: 71 years old
- Length of Retirement: 5590 days
- Religion: Presbyterian
- Party: Democrat
Grover Cleveland Offices Held
- Governor of New York (1883-1885)
- Mayor of Buffalo, New York (1882)
- Sheriff Of Erie County, New York (1871-1873)
Grover Cleveland Nicknames
- Uncle Jumbo
- The Hangman of Buffalo
- Big Steve
- The Beast of Buffalo
- His Obstinacy
- The Veto President
- The Sage of Princeton
Grover Cleveland Pets
- Dogs (one was named Hector)
- Mockingbirds
- Canaries
- Imported Fish
- Ponies
- Chickens
Grover Cleveland Personal Traits
- Height: 5 feet – 11 inches
Grover Cleveland Quotes
What is the use of being elected or reelected, unless you stand for something.
The ship of Democracy, which has weathered all storms, may sink through the mutiny of those aboard.
He mocks the people who proposes that the government shall protect the rich and that they in turn will care for the laboring poor.
A government for the people must depend for its success on the intelligence, the morality, the justice, and the interest of the people themselves.
Someday I will be better remembered.
No man has ever yet been hanged for breaking the spirit of the law.
And still the question, “What shall be done with our ex-Presidents?” is not laid at rest; and I sometimes think Watterson’s solution of it, “Take them out and shoot them,” is worthy of attention.
It is a condition which confronts us – not a theory.
Honor lies in honest toil.
A man is known by the company he keeps and also by the company from which he is kept out.
I know there is a Supreme Being who rules the affairs of men and whose goodness and mercy have always followed the American people, and I know He will not turn from us now if we humbly and reverently seek His powerful aid.
We do not believe that the American people will knowingly elect to the Presidency a coarse debauchee who would bring his harlots with him to Washington, and hire lodgings for them convenient to the White House.
Sometimes I wake at night in the White House and rub my eyes and wonder if it is not all a dream.
I would rather the man who presents something for my consideration subject me to a zephyr of truth and a gentle breeze of responsibility rather than blow me down with a curtain of hot wind.
Officeholders are the agents of the people, not their masters.
There is no calamity which a great nation can invite which equals that which follows a supine submission to wrong and injustice.
Minds do not act together in public; they simply stick together; and when their private activities are resumed, they fly apart again.
There surely is no difference in his duties and obligations, whether a person is entrusted with the money of one man or many. And yet it sometimes appears as though the office-holder assumes that a different rule of fidelity prevails between him and the taxpayer.
Grover Cleveland Timeline – Family
- June 19, 1804 Richard Falley Cleveland (Father) born in Norwich, Connecticut.
- February 4, 1806 Ann Neal Cleveland (Mother) born in Baltimore, Maryland.
- September 10, 1829 Richard Falley Cleveland (Father) marries Ann Neal (Mother) in Baltimore, Maryland.
- July 9, 1830 Anna Neal Cleveland Hasting (Sister) born.
- April 7, 1832 William Neal Cleveland (Brother) born.
- November 16, 1833 Mary Allen Cleveland Hoyt (Sister) born in Portsmouth, Virginia.
- July 31, 1835 Richard Cecil Cleveland (brother) born in Caldwell, New Jersey.
- March 18, 1837 Stephen Grover Cleveland born in Caldwell, New Jersey.
- October 28, 1838 Margaret Louise Falley Cleveland Bacon (Sister) born in Caldwell, New Jersey.
- May 2, 1841 Lewis Fredrick Cleveland (Brother) born in Fayetteville, New York.
- September 2, 1843 Susan Sophia Cleveland Yeomans (Sister) born.
- June 13, 1846 Rose Elizabeth Cleveland (Sister) born in Buffalo, New York.
- October 1, 1853 Richard Falley Cleveland (Father) dies in Holland Patent, New York.
- October 26, 1862 Thomas Jex Preston, Jr. (Wife’s Second Husband) born in Hastings on Hudson, New York.
- July 21, 1864 Frances Clara Folsom Cleveland Preston (Wife) born in Buffalo, New York.
- October 22, 1872 Richard Cecil Cleveland (brother) dies in shipwreck off coast of the Bahamas with brother Lewis.
- October 22, 1872 Lewis Fredrick Cleveland (brother) dies in shipwreck off coast of the Bahamas with brother Richard.
- September 14, 1874 Oscar Folsom Cleveland (supposed Illegitimate Son) born in Buffalo, New York.
- July 13, 1882 Ann Neal Cleveland (Mother) dies in Holland Patent, New York.
- June 2, 1886 Stephen Grover Cleveland marries Frances Clara Folsom (Wife) at the White House in Washington DC.
- October 3, 1891 “Baby” Ruth Cleveland (Daughter) born in New York City, New York.
- September 9, 1893 Esther Cleveland Bosanquet (Daughter) born at the White House in Washington DC.
- July 7, 1895 Marion Cleveland Dell Amen (Daughter) born in Buzzard Bay, Massachusetts.
- October 1897 Richard “Dick” Folsom Cleveland (Son) born in Princeton, New Jersey.
- July 18, 1903 Francis Grover Cleveland (Son) born in Buzzard Bay, Massachusetts.
- January 7, 1904 “Baby” Ruth Cleveland (Daughter) dies in Princeton, New Jersey.
- January 15, 1906 William Neal Cleveland (Brother) dies.
- June 24, 1908 Stephen Grover Cleveland dies in Princeton, New Jersey.
- July, 1909 Anna Neal Cleveland Hasting (Sister) dies.
- February 10, 1913 Frances Clara Folsom Cleveland (Wife) marries Thomas Jex Preston, Jr. (Wife’s Second Husband) in Princeton, New Jersey.
- July 18, 1914 Mary Allen Cleveland Hoyt (Sister) dies.
- November 26, 1918 Rose Elizabeth Cleveland (Sister) dies in Lucca, Italy.
- March 5, 1932 Margaret Louise Falley Cleveland Bacon (Sister) dies.
- November 4, 1938 Susan Sophia Cleveland Yeomans (Sister) dies.
- 1947 Oscar Folsom Cleveland (supposed Illegitimate Son) dies.
- October 29, 1947 Frances Clara Folsom Cleveland Preston (Wife) dies in Baltimore, Maryland.
- December 25, 1955 Thomas Jex Preston, Jr. (Wife’s Second Husband) does in South Orange, New Jersey.
- January 10, 1974 Richard “Dick” Folsom Cleveland (Son) dies in Baltimore, Maryland.
- June 18, 1977 Marion Cleveland Dell Amen (Daughter) dies in New York City, New York.
- June 26, 1980 Esther Cleveland Bosanquet (Daughter) dies in New Hampshire.
- November 8, 1995 Francis Grover Cleveland (Son) dies in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire.
Grover Cleveland Links
Grover Cleveland’s Birthplace
Grover Cleveland’s Boyhood Home
Grover Cleveland’s Home
Grover Cleveland’s Home (after the Presidency)
Library of Congress – Grover Cleveland – A Resource Guide
Grover Cleveland’s Grave
Princeton Cemetery in Princeton, New Jersey
Grover Cleveland on Wikipedia
Grover Cleveland Blogs