- Fourteenth President (1853-1857)
- Birthday: November 23, 1804 (Friday)
- Birthplace: Hillsborough, New Hampshire
- Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
- Date of Death: October 8, 1869 (Friday)
- Place of Death: Concord, New Hampshire
- Place of Burial: Old North Church, Concord, New Hampshire
- Cause of Death: Inflammation of the stomach, liver failure
- Age: 64 years old
- Length of Retirement: 4601 days
- Religion: Episcopal
- Party: Democratic
Franklin Pierce Offices Held
- US Army – Mexican-American War, Brigadier General (1846-1848)
- New Hampshire US Senator (1837-1842)
- New Hampshire US House Representative (1833-1837)
Franklin Pierce Nicknames
- Young Hickory
- Young Hickory of the Granite Hills
Franklin Pierce Pets
- Seven Miniature Oriental Dogs
- Two Birds from Japan
Franklin Pierce Personal Traits
- Height: 5 feet – 10 inches
Franklin Pierce Quotes
Frequently the more trifling the subject, the more animated and protracted the discussion.
With the Union my best and dearest earthly hopes are entwined.
You have summoned me in my weakness. You must sustain me by your strength.
The stars upon your banner have become nearly threefold their original number; your densely populated possessions skirt the shores of the two great oceans.
A Republic without parties is a complete anomaly. The histories of all popular governments show absurd is the idea of their attempting to exist without parties.
The storm of frenzy and faction must inevitably dash itself in vain against the unshaken rock of the Constitution.
I wish I could indulge higher hope for the future of our country, but the aspect of any vision is fearfully dark and I cannot make it otherwise.
Franklin Pierce Timeline – Family
- December 25, 1757 Benjamin Pierce (Father) born in Newton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.
- August 17, 1767 Elizabeth Andrews Pierce (Father’s first Wife) born in Hillsborough, New Hampshire.
- October 30, 1768 Anna Kendrick Pierce (Mother) born in Hillsborough, New Hampshire.
- May 24, 1787 Benjamin Pierce (Father) marries Elizabeth Andrews (Father’s first Wife).
- August 9, 1788 Elizabeth Andrews Pierce (Half-Sister) born in Hillsborough, New Hampshire.
- August 13, 1788 Elizabeth Andrews Pierce (Father’s first Wife) dies in Hillsborough, New Hampshire.
- February 1, 1790 Benjamin Pierce (Father) marries Anna Kendrick Pierce (Mother) in Amherst, New Hampshire.
- August 29, 1790 Benjamin Kendrick Pierce (Brother) born in Hillsborough, New Hampshire.
- November 2, 1792 Nancy M. Pierce McNeal (Sister) born in Hillsborough, New Hampshire.
- November 5, 1796 John Sullivan Pierce (Brother) born in Hillsborough, New Hampshire.
- May 22, 1800 Harriet B. Pierce Jameson (Sister) born in Hillsborough, New Hampshire.
- 1803 Charles Grandison Pierce (Brother) born in Hillsborough, New Hampshire.
- November 23, 1804 Franklin Pierce born in Hillsborough, New Hampshire.
- March 12, 1806 Jane Means Appleton Pierce (Wife) born in Hampton, New Hampshire.
- September 19, 1812 Henry Dearborn Pierce (Brother) born in Hillsborough, New Hampshire.
- 1806 Charlotte Pierce (Sister) born in Hillsborough, New Hampshire.
- 1810Charlotte Pierce (Sister) dies in Hillsborough, New Hampshire.
- March 13, 1824 John Sullivan Pierce (Brother) dies in Detroit, Michigan.
- June 15, 1828 Charles Grandison Pierce (Brother) dies in Utica, New York.
- November 19, 1834 Franklin Pierce and Jane Means Appleton married at her maternal grandparent’s house in Amherst, New Hampshire.
- February 2, 1836 Franklin Pierce, Jr. (Son) born in Hillsborough, New Hampshire.
- February 5, 1836 Franklin Pierce, Jr. (Son) dies in Hillsborough, New Hampshire.
- August 27, 1837 Nancy M. Pierce McNeal (Sister) dies in Hillsboro, New Hampshire.
- November 24, 1837 Harriet B. Pierce Jameson (Sister) dies in Boston, Massachusetts.
- December 7, 1838 Anna Kendrick Pierce (Mother) dies in Hillsboro, New Hampshire.
- April 1, 1839 Benjamin Pierce (Father) dies in Hillsborough, New Hampshire.
- August 27, 1839 Franklin “Frank” Robert Pierce (Son) born in Concord, New Hampshire.
- April 13, 1841 Benjamin “Bennie” Pierce (Son) born in Concord, New Hampshire.
- November 14, 1843 Franklin “Frank” Robert Pierce (Son) dies in Concord, New Hampshire.
- August 1, 1850 Benjamin Kendrick Pierce (Brother) dies in New York City, New York.
- January 16, 1853 Benjamin “Bennie” Pierce (Son) dies in Andover, Massachusetts.
- March 27, 1855 Elizabeth Andrews Pierce (Half-Sister) dies.
- December 2, 1863 Jane Means Appleton Pierce (Wife) dies in Andover, Massachusetts.
- October 8, 1869 Franklin Pierce dies in Concord, New Hampshire.
- April 9, 1882 Henry Dearborn Pierce (Brother) dies in Hillsboro, New Hampshire.
Franklin Pierce Links
Franklin Pierce’s Birthplace
Franklin Pierce’s Boyhood Home
Franklin Pierce’s Home, Concord, New Hampshire
Franklin Pierce’s Grave, Concord, New Hampshire
Franklin Pierce on Wikipedia
Franklin Pierce Blogs