- Seventh President (1829-1837)
- Birthday: March 15, 1767 (Sunday)
- Birthplace: Waxhaws Region, South/North Carolina
- Zodiac Sign: Pisces
- Date of Death: June 8, 1845 (Sunday)
- Place of Death: Nashville, Tennessee
- Place of Burial: The Hermitage, Nashville, Tennessee
- Cause of Death: Tuberculosis
- Age: 78 years old
- Length of Retirement: 3018 days
- Religion: Presbyterian
- Party: Democrat
Andrew Jackson Offices Held
- US Senator from Tennessee (1823-1825; 1797-1798)
- Military Governor of Florida (1821)
- US House of Representatives from Tennessee (1796-1797)
Andrew Jackson Nicknames
- Old Hickory
- King Andrew
- The Hero of New Orleans
- Sharp Knife
Andrew Jackson Pets
- Horses (Bolivia, Emily, Lady Nashville, and Sam Patches were some of their names)
- Parrot (Poll)
- Fighting Cocks
Andrew Jackson Personal Traits
- Height: 6 feet – 1 inches
Andrew Jackson Quotes
One man with courage makes a majority.
To victors belong the spoils.
Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in.
Americans are not a perfect people, but we are called to a perfect mission.
It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes.
The wisdom of man never yet contrived a system of taxation that would operate with perfect equality.
The Bible is the rock on which the Republic rests.
Never take counsel of your fears.
Elevate those guns a little lower.
Any man worth his salt will stick up for what he believes right, but it takes a slightly better man to acknowledge instantly and without reservation that he is in error.
I would sincerely regret, and which never shall happen whist I am in office, a military guard around the President.
You must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing.
The people are the government, administering it by their agents; they are the government, the sovereign power.
Peace, above all things, is to be desired, but blood must sometimes be spilled (to) obtain it on equable and lasting terms.
Heaven will be no heaven to me if I do not meet my wife there.
An eye for an eye. Toothe for toothe and scalp for scalp.
The duty of government is to leave commerce to its own capital and credit as well as all other branches of business, protecting all in their legal pursuits, granting exclusive privileges to none.
I have always been afraid of banks.
Andrew Jackson Timeline – Family
- July 20, 1737 Andrew Jackson, Sr. (Father) born in Northern Ireland.
- 1740 Elizabeth Hutchinson Jackson (Mother) born in Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland.
- February 7, 1759 Andrew Jackson, Sr. (Father) marries Elizabeth Hutchinson (Mother) in Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland.
- October 10, 1762 Hugh Jackson (Brother) born in Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland.
- October 16, 1765 Robert Jackson (Brother) born in Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland.
- February 1767 Andrew Jackson, Sr. (Father) dies in Waxhaws Region, North Carolina.
- March 15, 1767 Andrew Jackson born in Waxhaws, (North or South) Carolina.
- June 15, 1767 Rachel Donelson Robards Jackson (Wife) born in Halifax County, Virginia.
- June 20, 1779 Hugh Jackson (Brother) dies in Battle of Stone Ferry (American Revolution), South Carolina.
- April 27, 1781 Robert Jackson (Brother) dies.
- November 1781 Elizabeth Hutchinson Jackson (Mother) dies in Charleston, South Carolina.
- March 1, 1785 Rachel Donelson (Wife) marries her first husband Captain Lewis Robards.
- 1788-1790 Rachel Donelson Robards (Wife) separate off and on.
- 1790 Rachel Donelson Robards (Wife) finally lives her husband (believes he is getting divorce).
- 1791 Andrew Jackson marries Rachel Donelson Robards (Wife) in Natchez, Mississippi (not knowing she is not legally divorced yet).
- 1794 Rachel Donelson Robards Jackson (Wife) finally obtains a legal divorce from Captain Lewis Robards.
- January 7, 1794 Andrew Jackson marries Rachel Donelson Robards Jackson (Wife) a second time in Nashville, Tennessee.
- December 4, 1808 Andrew Jackson, Jr. (Adopted Son, Rachel’s Nephew) born in Davidson, Tennessee.
- 1811 Lyncoya Jackson (Adopted Son, American Indian child Jackson found on a battlefield next to his dead Mother) born.
- 1828 Lyncoya Jackson (Adopted Son, American Indian child Jackson found on a battlefield next to his dead Mother) dies.
- December 22, 1828 Rachel Donelson Robards Jackson (Wife) dies at The Hermitage, Nashville, Tennessee.
- June 8, 1845 Andrew Jackson dies in Nashville, Tennesse.
- April 17, 1865 Andrew Jackson, Jr. (Adopted Son, Rachel’s Nephew) dies at The Hermitage, Nashville, Tennessee.
Andrew Jackson Links
Andrew Jackson’s Birthplace
Andrew Jackson State Park
Andrew Jackson’s Home (Hermitage)
Andrew Jackson’s Grave
Andrew Jackson on Wikipedia
Andrew Jackson Blogs