It is believed that at least 21 of our Presidents are of Irish descent. Some of these claims are actually documented, while others might be considered folklore. I’m sure all 21 of them would wish you a Happy Presidential St. Patrick’s Day if they could. We’ll do the next best thing: a Presidential St. Patrick’s Day Limerick.
LIMERICK: A humorous, sometimes bawdy verse of 3 lines with the rhyme scheme-AABBA- popularized by Edward Lear.
In honor of St. Paddy’s Day,
Was trying to think of a way,
To make this blog fit,
Gonna mix it a bit
With some president facts, if I may.
My brain has been thinking a lot.
I’m now gonna give it a shot.
To write President rhymes,
Trying limericks this time,
A wee bit of fun, is it not?

Andrew Jackson was one president
Who was first to claim Irish descent.
He hated banks plenty,
But still on the “twenty”,
“Old Hickory’s” his name ever since.

There was also a president named Polk.
Who was also from Irish folk.
He did what he said,
After one term, he fled.
And died two months later, poor bloke.

A president named James Buchanan,
Didn’t prove to be too good at planning.
He let the south split,
He could not prevent it,
He left it for Abe-the next man in.

William McKinley was proud
Of his roots, even spoke it aloud.
Raised tariffs-he knew-
The economy grew.
He was shot in the midst of a crowd.

And then there was President Teddy.
Mt. Rushmore displays this guy’s head, he
Loved riding his horse,
And just being outdoors.
He got all his “Rough Riders” ready.

Of course, there was young JFK.
Rich and elite-loved to play.
He won a debate,
Because he looked great.
Americans love him today.

To the White House from the silver screen,
Reagan loved a good jelly bean.
A communist hater,
The “Great Communicator”,
One of the best we have seen.

There’s also a Prez named Obama.
Irish ties on the side of his mama.
When this news he did hear,
Took Michelle for a beer
In a small Irish pub, oh, the drama.
This is just part of the list.
There are some more that I missed.
They’re written below,
If you wanted to know.
They surely weren’t meant to be dissed!
The 21 Presidents of Irish descent:
Andrew Jackson
James K. Polk
James Buchanan
Andrew Johnson
Ulysses S. Grant
Chester Arthur
Grover Cleveland
Benjamin Harrison
William McKinley
Theodore Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
Woodrow Wilson
Warren Harding
Harry S Truman
John F. Kennedy
Richard Nixon
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan
George HW Bush
George W Bush
Barack Obama