Presidential blogs with a personal and spiritual twist
US Presidential Facts
Presidential Facts
Comparing the Presidents can be fun.
The Ten Commandments-The Ten Commandments. Always a good set of rules to obey. Now here is a quick jingle to help you remember them.
Presidential Egos-Let's look at Presidential egos. Maybe we can learn something about egos from them. If not, let's try turning to a couple Bible characters.
Most Ex-Presidents Alive in the Same Year-As a nation, we have had 232 years of Presidents. The day a new President is sworn in, the old President now becomes an ex-President. How many of these ex-Presidents have been alive during the same year?
The Presidents at 60 years old-With the recent Coronavirus (Covic-19) outbreak, it seems that those over 60 years old are most at risk. So, what were the Presidents doing when they hit sixty-years-old? Is 60 a magic number in the Bible?
Presidential Vetoes-The Veto is one of the greatest powers the Constitution gives the President. Which Presidents used the Veto most? Who was the President who was Overridden most? Have there been any Presidents who did not use the Veto?
Presidential Youth or Old Age-Presidential Age Entering and Leaving Office The Constitution of the United States has very few requirements for becoming President of the United States. One of those simple requirements is that you have to be at least 35 years old. The Constitution: Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years,…
Ten Biggest Presidential Personalities-Has the Presidents personality played a role in shaping our country? What drives some of the Presidents egos? How did they get those egos? Let's explore and find out.
Top Ten Least Popular Presidents-My Top Ten Least Popular Presidents list. Why are these ten individuals virtually unknown to the average citizens? After all, they were Presidents.
US Presidential Facts – Presidential Marriage Stats-Some of the Presidents have had a life long partner. Some Presidents have been married more than once. Some of the First Ladies were married before they met their future Presidential husbands and some of them even married after their relationships with their Presidential husbands ended.
US Presidential Facts – Presidential Dogs-Man's best friend also appears to be the President's best friend. See some of the names and breeds of dogs of some of our Presidents. Do you know which President named his dog Veto? How about Fido?
Vice Presidential Facts – Presidents who were once a Vice President-Which President's became President because they were the Vice President when the President died in office? Which Vice Presidents were elected President without being elevated to that position by the death of a President? Who is the only Vice President to be elected and serve out two terms as President?
Presidential Facts – Shortest Retirement-Being President has to be one of the most difficult jobs in the world. Excluding the Presidents who died in office (WH Harrison, Taylor, Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Harding, FDR, and Kennedy), the Presidents who are still alive (Carter, GHW Bush, Clinton, and GW Bush) and the current President (Obama), which Presidents had the shortest retirement (length of time after they left office until they died)?
Presidential Facts – Oldest Presidents-Who are the top ten oldest Presidents? Excluding the five living Presidents (George HW Bush, Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama), who are the ten oldest Presidents?
Presidential Facts – Birth States of the Presidents-Seven states have had more than one President born within their borders. Fourteen other states can claim the birth of one President within its borders. How many of the thirteen original colonies, that became states, have yet to witness a Presidential birth within their borders?
Presidential Facts – Birthplace Distances from Geographic Center of the Contiguous United States-When the modern Presidential Candidates run in primaries, they tend to run toward the stronghold in that party. Once they receive the nomination they tend to move back toward the center of the electorate. So which Presidents were born closest to the center geographic center of the contiguous 48 states?
Presidential Facts – Months the Presidents were born in-In February we celebrate President's Day, but is it the month in which most of the Presidents were born? Was there a President who was born on your birthday? Which President has a birthday closest to you?
Presidential Facts – Ten Shortest Presidents-Most Presidential trivia experts know who the shortest US President was. It was James Madison at five feet four inches. But who are the other nine short guys to join him in the top ten shortest US Presidents list?