Merry Presidential Christmas from Presidential Crossroads!
Many a laugh was probably shared over this President’s talk of analytic equations. The Bible is full of mathematics. I took Trigonometry.
Sometimes elections don’t go the way we want them to. Sometimes election results surprise us. Through it all, we pray and we trust God, because we know that He is always the one in control.
President John Adams rap by Cathy Cruse
I’m sure America turned out a lot differently than this President had hoped. Celebration is part of life and part of the Bible. The 4th of July is one of my favorite celebrations.
When this President’s brother, Arthur died, when he was in eighth-grade, it was a turning point in his life. Jesus taught him that is was not just His forgiveness he needed to accept, but he needed to forgive himself and move past it. God taught us that the next step in forgiveness is to accept that forgiveness, even if that involves forgiving ourselves.
My day begins with a sparkle of color from the hand of God.
Ten Biggest Presidential Personalities
Has the Presidents personality played a role in shaping our country? What drives some of the Presidents egos? How did they get those egos? Let’s explore and find out.
I really appreciate your support and I am happy to say Presidential Crossroads is now back to publishing more Presidential Blogs.
A fist and a shovel are the only tools we need to get our Presidential story going. What was this Biblical character going to do when he lost his friend’s favorite tool? I could just stand there in awe in the tool department.