Almost everybody loves a good mystery. In them someone usually tries to get away with something. Then comes the big one: Where is the birth certificate….

It seems our net worth always comes into question. And what happened to the apprentice?

I must admit, I’m not a huge fan of knock, knock jokes, but when you have grandkids they become part of your life. Good news always comes from some form of communication. .

Traffic congestion is one of those big things that really test your Christianity. So there you have it, two rival Presidents and two polar opposite disciples, who are very unlikely partners, working together for the better.

I must admit, I’m not a huge fan of knock, knock jokes, but when you have grandkids they become part of your life. Good news always comes from some form of communication. .

In life you encounter countless thoughts and feelings. Sometimes they are the sweet smelling flowers and other times they are the annoying fly that you just try to swat away. Often, when we get those feelings hurt, we go for the jugular. When we do this we often regret it later. You think our country had issues with the Constitution when we started or slavery as she was going through her youth, that was nothing compared to this.
Americans have a love affair with numbers and list. Here is my Top Ten Things I Learned by Reading the Bible All the Way Through…

This past weekend our grandkids came to visit. Mimi’s (what they call my wife) eyes have a special twinkle and Pop (what they call me) pulls out his best version of the Tickle Monster when they come to visit. They laugh and cheer and everyone has a good time. Then, those dreaded words we really hate to hear from their parents: “It’s time to go.” We see the little heads popping up from the backseat and those tiny arms waving in the air. Yes, goodbyes are hard.

Every once in a while the path of our presidential history takes the rough and tumble gravel road. Somehow the trees clear and the path opens to a vision of an unseen pathway. Out steps a creature whose unpolished boots are well worn and his hands are callous. There is dirt under his fingernails and his life is full of trials.

It’s actually a remarkable document. It is vaguely simple, but extremely powerful. Its simplicity is often the cause of bitter debates. It is the Constitution of the United States. In Article II, Section 1 it defines the qualifications for President as: