The Navy had the perfect place for these rich, young kids. As he started to head for the shore, one of the crew expressed his fear that they wouldn’t make it. Personally, I’m thankfully for the hopeful souls….
The prayer that he had scribbled on a piece of scrap paper slipped from his grasp. That was the signal. The judgment of Jesus was fast and brutal.
Mystery solved.
As the last limo pulled away and two men started rolling up the red carpet they realized they had been left behind.
“I challenge the correctness of the announcement. No man has a right, without the consent of the person voted for, to announce that person’s name and vote for him, in this convention. Such consent I have not given….”
Vacations are a great way to get away from the hustle, bustle, and pressures of the daily work life. The problem is when we stand in front of the trophy, all anyone sees is us.
As I turned to look at the sand I noticed what looked like hundreds of sand crabs. The poor sand crabs just stare up into the sky just hoping for someone to stand on the beach and help protect them so they can keep up with their busy lives.
William Henry Harrison – The Curse of Tecumseh
It’s probably not politically correct to even talk about Indians this way today, but it kept us busy for hours. Tecumseh was a Shawnee Indian warrior. Tenskwatawa, the Prophet, was his younger brother. How it really happens or if it really happened at all is often suspect.
Most of us will probably go back to our normal football and baseball lives when the World Cup ends. Our young man, who would become president, was also the left-handed first basemen for the Yale baseball team. Sometimes in life we come across these bigger than life characters that have so much influence on the direction of our lives.
Like almost every little boy, I had my favorite super hero. One of the strangest parts of these members is that their Presidencies were probably some of the most controversial we have ever had.