Have you ever had one of those cases where you work so hard on something, only to have someone else take credit for your work? The bells of America’s freedom rang loud and nation after nation heard the clang.
It was called the Dream Team. It is unbeatable.
It is an issue that plagues a nation. It is immigration. One of the biggest problems with a large immigrant population is that eventually they start thinking that this is their country, too.
In these 45 words they cover so much, like our rights to religious freedom and speech. I have faith that my God is strong enough that if there is only one faithful person left He can still burn the altar.
It’s not that I have anything personal about the color green, it just that this shade of green doesn’t look very appetizing to me. So you had the one wanting reform in civil service running with one who didn’t want that reform to happen.
Each one of them still holds a special place in my heart. It is through this pain that we really understand how much we really care for that person.
Most people have trouble with getting older at some point in their life. Personally, my hardest time with aging was when I hit….
As I rubbed my belly I blurted out, “I think that might have been the best meal I’ve ever had in my entire life.” Words are a funny thing. If we use a word or combination of words too often they can lose their luster.
As I sit here at the steps of the Capitol in Washington DC, I’m amazed with all our country has been through. Sometimes listening and following directions is hard.
He was an up and coming preacher and he might have even been a little full of himself. Three weeks later he was off to meet the President.