To Tell the Truth – A George Washington Myth Buster
Since today is President’s Day,
Let’s rap about the “Daddy of the U.S.A.”.
Otherwise known as George Washington;
American President number one!
We know lots of stuff about George, it’s true
Let’s talk about what he DIDN’T do.
Although it’s true George’s teeth were not good,
He never had dentures that were made of wood.
Animal teeth or metal you might see,
But nothing in his mouth ever came from a tree.

What about that story of the cherry tree?
That’s just a myth-not reality.
A story invented by a guy named Weems,
A biographer trying to sell his book, it seems.
Did George really wear a wig of white?
This is another story not told right.
He did sprinkle white powder on his head,
But the ponytail he wore was actually red.

The “silver dollar” story had to be invented,
Not till 1794 were silver coins minted.
At Mt. Vernon, the Potomac is too wide,
Even George couldn’t throw it to the other side.
What about that White House in Washington, D.C.?
Did President Washington ever have residency?
Nope, he lived in New York and later in Philly.
John Adams was the first in the White House, really.
Did Washington win lots of battles in the war?
Actually, the number of battles lost was more.
But such a great leader with a winning strategy,
He led the American army to victory!
All these things are myths,
Maybe stuff you never knew.
But there are loads of facts
That you will find are true.
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About George Washington!