Here are some quick facts, opinions, quotes and other information on President Barack Obama:
Personal Information on Barack Obama:
- Forty-fourth (2009-2017)
- Birthday: August 4, 1961 (Friday)
- Birthplace: Honolulu, Hawaii
- Birthplace Website: President Barack Obama’s Birthplace
- Zodiac Sign: Leo
Interesting Barack Obama facts:
- Barack Obama is one of five Presidents whose father was born outside what is today the United States. Obama’s father was born in what is now Kenya. The other four Presidents whose fathers were foreign born are: Andrew Jackson (Ireland), Martin Van Buren (Holland), James Buchanan (Ireland), and Chester Arthur (Ireland).
- Barack Obama is one of thirteen men to serve at least two complete terms. The other twelve are: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Ulysses Grant, Grover Cleveland, Woodrow Wilson, Dwight Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush. Cleveland served two non-consecutive terms and Franklin Roosevelt served a little over three terms. Obama is the third President in a row (following Bill Clinton and George W. Bush) to serve two terms. That has only happened once before. Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe were the first three Presidents in a row to serve two terms.
- Barack Obama is the fifth youngest man to be inaugurated President. Barack Obama was 47 years and 169 days old when he was inaugurated. Teddy Roosevelt was the youngest (42 years and 322 days). TR was Vice President and he was sworn in upon the death of William McKinley. Roosevelt was followed by: John F. Kennedy (43 years and 236 days), Bill Clinton (46 years and 154 days), and Ulysses Grant (46 years and 311 days). Grover Cleveland (47 years and 351 days) was 182 days older than Obama, so Cleveland comes in sixth.
My favorite Barack Obama Quotes:
Yes we can!
Change has come to America.
I just miss – I miss being anonymous.
A lot of shelter dogs are mutts like me.
You’re likeable enough Hillary. (to Hillary Clinton during a campaign debate)
Barack Obama blogs (click the title to go to that page):
Barack Obama page on Presidential Crossroads (click “Barack Obama” below):
Barack Obama
Barack Obama Blogs:
Barack Obama – His education and job as a Community Organizer
Barack Obama’s relationship with his Dad
Barack Obama’s relationship with his Mom
Barack Obama’s Competitiveness
Top Ten Presidential Personalities
What similiar trait do I have with Presidents Nixon through Obama
Personal thoughts on Barack Obama:
Charisma, Calmness, Inspiration for many, Driven
Not real good at rallying the opposition, Distant at times
Presidential Greatness Scale (1-poor to 5-great): NA
Most historians say you have to wait at least twenty-five years before you can really tell the impact a President really has on our nation’s history. Some historians would even say fifty years. For that reason, I believe, it is too early to issue a verdict on President Obama. I do believe President Obama was a very effective leader. Whether you like him, or his causes, or not, he did set goals for himself and he accomplished many of them. Time will be the ultimate judge as to whether his tenure will be considered a success, a failure, or just average.

Favorite Barack Obama book:
The Bridge, The Life and Rise of Barack Obama by David Remnick
Favorite Barack Obama story:
Barack Obama is a very smart man. He let everyone jump up and down that he wasn’t born in America. Everyone wanted to see his birth certificate, which he refused to produce. Conspiracy theories abound. I believe he let them go on and on, because if they were talking about that, they weren’t talking about where he stood on issues. He knew if his poll numbers started to drop because of the birth certificate issue, he could always produce it.
Most memorable Barack Obama memory:
In 2008, when Barack Obama and Joe Biden were running for President and Vice President, my wife and I went to The University of Mary Washington, in Fredericksburg, Virginia, to see them. We arrived very early. We stood through several showers and lightning as we waited for them. They were also late.
Favorite Barack Obama possession (see picture at the top):
Mad Magazine – Obama The First 100 Minutes – February 2009