My Top Ten Least Popular Presidents list. Why are these ten individuals virtually unknown to the average citizens? After all, they were Presidents.
Category: William Henry Harrison

“And all the days of Lamech were seven hundred seventy and seven years: and he died.” Genesis 5:31 KJV
Imagine the shock on John’s face when he saw the dead man’s face was none other than that of his own father. The Bible doesn’t say a lot about Lamech. Those were the good old days before safety people ruined the fun for all us kids.

Here are some fun facts and personal opinions about President William Henry Harrison

“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.” Isaiah 6:8 KJV
On the fourth of July in 1872, John would have to skip the 4th of July celebrations in Plymouth Notch. You see, John’s son would be born on that day. It’s called a sukkah and it is used to celebrate the Festival of Sukkot. She then said, with the biggest smile on her face, “You know I don’t like surprises.”

List: What similiar trait do I have with the first ten Presidents
Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, JQ Adams, Jackson, Van Buren, WH Harrison, and John Tyler. Those are the first ten Presidents. A list of how I think I am like them.

One of my most favorite people is someone who is also one of the most popular people I know. Oh, did I mention that what Demetrius’ best-selling item happened to be? Berkeley Plantation was purchased by a family that liked to name their first sons Benjamin, in 1691.

“Do you remember when…?” Surprisingly, strength sometimes comes from the most unlikely of sources.

William Henry Harrison – The Curse of Tecumseh
It’s probably not politically correct to even talk about Indians this way today, but it kept us busy for hours. Tecumseh was a Shawnee Indian warrior. Tenskwatawa, the Prophet, was his younger brother. How it really happens or if it really happened at all is often suspect.