My retirement has arrived, and I wanted to check out how some of the presidents and Bible characters handled theirs.
Category: John Quincy Adams

Life is full of choices, like what to believe or not to believe. One Presidential story could have a President landing in hot water. Then, again, it just might have been a dream someone came up with.

Here are some fun facts and personal opinions about President John Quincy Adams

“Therefore said his parents, He is of age; ask him.” John 9:23 KJV
When he became a young man himself, some would say he was a carbon copy of his father. Many might have considered that an insult, but not him. He took it as praise. If you want to blame someone, blame Him. Taking action is far better than looking for excuses.

List: What similiar trait do I have with the first ten Presidents
Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, JQ Adams, Jackson, Van Buren, WH Harrison, and John Tyler. Those are the first ten Presidents. A list of how I think I am like them.

The other day I was trying to think of the earliest historical event I could remember. The House of Representatives voted on the declaration of war. Only fourteen Representatives voted against the measure. This very vocal opponent was one of them.

I believe education is one of the keys to reaching your full potential. The love of education gives you the drive to be better. Today, I worry that we have lost that zeal to improve our education.

Have you ever had one of those cases where you work so hard on something, only to have someone else take credit for your work? The bells of America’s freedom rang loud and nation after nation heard the clang.

I was probably just an average track runner, maybe a little above average my senior year. I was definitely not a super star. We are all lucky because Jesus still found a way to be victorious, even with the betrayal of a friend.