My retirement has arrived, and I wanted to check out how some of the presidents and Bible characters handled theirs.
Category: James K. Polk

Overworking, like this President, can cause one to be so consumed with their life. This can cause one to lose focus as to what they are really supposed to be doing. Illnesses can often refocus that problem, though.

Top Ten Least Popular Presidents
My Top Ten Least Popular Presidents list. Why are these ten individuals virtually unknown to the average citizens? After all, they were Presidents.

Here are some fun facts and personal opinions about President James K. Polk

“And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.” Mark 11:22 KJV
Life is a journey of many steps and it would be kind of boring if each step was the same as the next or if you didn’t verve off for an adventure every once in a while. The young lad for Columbia was one of those lucky lads. If there were rankings of prophets at that time, you might say, his ranking was slipping and slipping badly.

List: What similiar trait do I have with Presidents Polk through Hayes
James K. Polk, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Ulysses S Grant, and Rutherford B. Hayes. These are Presidents eleven through nineteen. Here is a list of how I think I am like them.

It literary took me thirty minutes before my breathing returned to normal. It’s strange how the best moments of reflection are almost always when you are trying to recharge.

It is an issue that plagues a nation. It is immigration. One of the biggest problems with a large immigrant population is that eventually they start thinking that this is their country, too.
Americans have a love affair with numbers and list. Here is my Top Ten Things I Learned by Reading the Bible All the Way Through…