The Ten Commandments. Always a good set of rules to obey. Now here is a quick jingle to help you remember them.
Category: Facts

Let’s look at Presidential egos. Maybe we can learn something about egos from them. If not, let’s try turning to a couple Bible characters.

As a nation, we have had 232 years of Presidents. The day a new President is sworn in, the old President now becomes an ex-President. How many of these ex-Presidents have been alive during the same year?

With the recent Coronavirus (Covic-19) outbreak, it seems that those over 60 years old are most at risk. So, what were the Presidents doing when they hit sixty-years-old? Is 60 a magic number in the Bible?

Any guesses on how many Presidential children are alive today (February 2020)? We will examine the 16 youngest of those children.

Any guesses on how many Presidential children are alive today (February 2020)? We will examine the 15 oldest of those children.

The Veto is one of the greatest powers the Constitution gives the President. Which Presidents used the Veto most? Who was the President who was Overridden most? Have there been any Presidents who did not use the Veto?

Presidential Age Entering and Leaving Office The Constitution of the United States has very few requirements for becoming President of the United States. One of

Ten Biggest Presidential Personalities
Has the Presidents personality played a role in shaping our country? What drives some of the Presidents egos? How did they get those egos? Let’s explore and find out.

Top Ten Least Popular Presidents
My Top Ten Least Popular Presidents list. Why are these ten individuals virtually unknown to the average citizens? After all, they were Presidents.