Deep Roots, Taller Trees “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.”

Often, we take freedom for granted or we expect freedom to be defined by our definition. When our name becomes more important than the cause, problems result. Washington’s Farewell Address is a perfect example of this.

It was quite the ordeal to get Ulysses Grant buried. Why? You might ask. Well, questions sometimes have tricky answers. Wouldn’t you agree?

God lends us things like property. Once we leave this earth, He leans to someone else. Jimmy Carter understands that all he has belongs to God.

Lunch and a Show “Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done,

Forgetting what got you where you are at can almost be as bad as a famous general forgetting a famous former First Lady.

The Best and Worst Presidential Retirements
My retirement has arrived, and I wanted to check out how some of the presidents and Bible characters handled theirs.

When you have a father and grandfather as special as these how can alone time with them not be special. If you think about it, we all have those moments.

The Ten Commandments. Always a good set of rules to obey. Now here is a quick jingle to help you remember them.

Across our paths rarely walk those whose passions involve someone other than themselves. This President probably wish he got to know one such person, Captain William Herndon, his father-in-law.